Caviar + Quail Eggs: A classic combination! Ph: CharlotteJulienne
Caviar is one of our best-selling items here at A lot of you love to eat caviar, so it might come as a surprise to know just how many people are intimidated by the glossy eggs. How do you serve caviar is one of the most oft-asked questions, followed by the inevitable sequiturs, how do you store caviar, and, of course, how do you eat caviar?
First on our "Gourmet Guide" series, read on to find out everything you need - well, everything we could think of! - to know about serving, storing and eating caviar!

Serve Chilled: Caviar is always served not just cold, but ice-cold. Keep tins of caviar in the fridge right until you're ready to serve. If you're going to set the caviar out for people to serve themselves, buffet-style, keep it in the original tin over another bowl of ice, to keep it nice and chilly. Or invest in a gorgeous caviar server!
Use Mother Of Pearl: You want to use either mother of pearl, glass or (and we shudder to even suggest it) in an emergency, plastic...but really, why would you ever serve caviar with plastic?
Keep It Simple: The most classic way to eat caviar is over a blini or toast points, with a dollop of crème fraiche. A sort of buckwheat mini-pancake of Russian origins, blinis have a very mild bland flavor that acts as the perfect vessel for the salty taste and crunchy pop of caviar.
Feel Free To Be Creative: There are other ways to serve caviar besides as an hors d'oeuvre. Try it over soft or hard boiled quail eggs, with potatoes, or sprinkled over pasta.
Drink Vodka or Champagne: down a shot of chilled vodka with caviar to be super authentic, or with a flute of bubbly champagne to be totally glamorous. You can also try a light beer or a crisp and subtle white wine.
Be Gentle: caviar eggs are delicate and tend to be crushed, so gently place the eggs where you want them.
Use Metal: You never, ever, ever, EVER want to eat caviar with a metal utensil - don't even touch it with metal. Metal changes the flavor of caviar and will taint it with an awful metal bite.
Add Too Many Other Ingredients: the idea is to keep side ingredients bland and to a minimum, to let the flavor of the caviar shine through...after all, you're paying a pretty penny for each of those eggs!
Actually Cook Caviar: caviar is really not meant for cooking; it becomes tough and the flavor changes.
Drink Caviar With Red Wine or Dark Beer: Try to eat caviar and then down it with a big bold red wine and you'll quickly realize why. The caviar's saltiness calls for a drink that's refreshing and cleanses the palate. Red wines and dark beers are too overwhelming.
Read all labels carefully once you get your product.
Caviar is highly perishable and must be stored in the fridge.
Do not freeze.
Once opened, consume within 2-3 days, caviar won't keep for long.

A simply delicious and creative way of serving caviar: freshwater caviar over crispy potato skins with creme fraiche. Ph:
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