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House Favorites Caviar Taster Set

by Markys
This taster set includes:
  • 0.5 oz, glass jar, Kaluga Fusion Sturgeon Caviar, Amber
  • 0.50 oz, glass jar, Osetra Amber Caviar - Malossol
  • 0.50 oz, glass jar, American Paddlefish Caviar - Malossol
  • 0.50 oz, glass jar, American Hackleback Caviar - Malossol
  • 0.50 oz, glass jar, American White Sturgeon Caviar - Malossol
  • 36 piece pack, Mini Blini - Hand Made
  • 8.0 oz, Creme Fraiche
Optional items:
  •   4.5 inch spoon, Mother of Pearl serving spoon [Add $16.20]
  •   7 cm spoon, Mother of Pearl serving spoon [Add $5.38]
Price Qty SKU

House Favorites Caviar Taster Set

Overwhelmed by all the choices of caviar on offer? Then try our House Favorites Caviar Taster Set, and sample our absolute favorite caviars. You can “taste” these caviars the same way you’d taste wine or cheese, since they come in small jars of the following:

  • Kaluga Fusion Sturgeon Caviar – Malossol: Possibly our number one favorite caviar, this delicious roe comes from the Huso Dauricus sturgeon crossbred with Amur Sturgeon, and has a luxuriously smooth profile, comparable to Beluga caviar.
  • Osetra Amber Caviar – Malossol: From authentic Osetra raised in the crystal-clear waters of Israel’s Jordan River, this fine golden-olive-brown caviar offers robust flavor and a pure, refreshing mouthfeel.
  • American Paddlefish Caviar - Malossol: Harvested in the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers, these silver-hued eggs offer an earthy, buttery flavor that’s absolutely exquisite, making them one of America’s favorite caviars.
  • American Hackleback Caviar - Malossol: The hackleback is a true American sturgeon, offering onyx-black eggs with a nutty profile and firm yet buttery consistency.
  • American White Sturgeon Caviar - Malossol: From California, these white sturgeon eggs have a sophisticated nutty flavor and succulent texture; often compared to Caspian Osetra caviar.

    This set comes with 36 blini and an 8 oz. tub of crème fraiche, allowing you to serve and savor these exquisite caviars in the traditional way. It's a great way to figure out which caviars are your favorites, making future decisions a lot more simple.

    There are also optional Mother of Pearl serving spoons you can add to this taster set, ensuring you serve these caviars in the way intended (that is, not with metallic spoons, which can corrupt caviar’s delicious flavor!).

    Buy caviar online from Gourmet Food Store, and we’ll deliver it in well-packaged, properly-chilled containers, so that it stays fresh all the way to your door.

  • Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service.
    Type: Tasting Sets
    Included Caviar: Osetra, Kaluga, White Sturgeon, Hackleback, Paddlefish
    Brand: Markys Caviar

    Product Reviews

    Each bite of the Marky’s House Favorite Caviar Taster Set was a burst of luxury! Smooth, tasty, and perfect for a special family gathering.
    Emily from Miles City, MT

    Questions and Answers

    Q:how many would this serve for a tasting?
    A:This taster set will serve 2-4 people.
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