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Anchovy Fillet Marinated in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

from Morocco by Markys
Item description Temp PRICE PER UNIT Price Qty Sku
14.11 oz tray chilled $55.26 $55.26 1619401
10 x 14.11 oz tray chilled $49.73 $497.30 1619402

Anchovy Fillet Marinated in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Our delicious Spanish anchovies are salt-cured for months, before being marinated in extra virgin olive oil. The result is a delectable fish that is both tender and meaty, with a silky texture and clean briny finish. Harvested in the Spring, when they have accumulated the most fat and flavor, delicious Spanish sardines are a mainstay in traditional Mediterranean dishes; and are a great way to add a bold punch of flavor to your recipes. During the curing process, canned anchovies develop complex and intense flavors, and thanks to the salt, their proteins begin to break down, making them easy to mash and dissolve into dishes and sauces as they cook.

So tasty you can eat them straight from the package, or to minimize their intense saltiness, try adding them to an open-face sandwich alongside some tomatoes and garlic aioli. Pair them with a thick slice of Manchego and roasted red peppers for the classic Spanish pintxos, or incorporate them into Pasta sauces, fillings and more. No matter how you serve these delicious anchovies, we’re certain you’re going to love them!

Ingredients: Anchovy fillets, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Storage: Keep refrigerated. Once opened use within 3 days.
Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service.

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