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Membrillo, or quince, is a pear-shaped fruit that begins very bitter but transforms into a sweet, slightly tart treat. The Spaniards traditionally prepare this 'dulce de memorial' , making it into an aromatic, firm block that can be sliced and eaten by itself, or you can pair Spanish quince paste with a firm cheese for an intriguing sweet and salty treat that is eaten for dessert.
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1 - 3 of 3 products
Spanish Homemade Membrillo - Quince Paste
Spanish Homemade Membrillo - Quince Paste
from Spain by Emily Foods Spain

A sweet paste known in Spain as 'membrillo', traditionally enjoyed with a slice of Manchego.

4.7(6 reviews)
Membrillo - Quince Paste
Membrillo - Quince Paste
from Spain by Mitica

Quince Paste with Walnuts
Quince Paste with Walnuts
from Spain by Emily Foods

This Spanish jelly-like paste is made from pear-like quince and walnuts; a great cheese board accompaniment!

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