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Chocolate Frosted Cupcakes Recipe
  |   February 10, 2015   |  
These romantic cupcakes are also seductively delicious, with a chocolate batter baked to perfection and topped with a rich chocolate cream frosting. Decorate with a rose petal or with a chocolate bonbon at the top for a pretty and edible garnish.

Prep Time:
Cook Time:
Total Time:
Yield: 14 to 16 cupcakes

Chocolate Frosted Cupcakes Recipe

Ingredients for batter

Ingredients for frosting

Directions for batter
  1. Heat oven to 375 F°.
  2. Sift the flour and the cocoa powder into a bowl and reserve.
  3. Mix the eggs, sugar, milk and butter. Sift the flour and cocoa again into the mix, combining with a wooden spoon until the mixture is just wet. It’s ok it it’s not smooth and it’s lumpy.
  4. Add in the chocolate and mix until combined.
  5. Add the chopped chocolate and divide into the cupcake liners and place in the muffin tins.
  6. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden on top and fully cooked inside.

Directions for frosting
  1. Beat the cream with the sugar using a hand mixer or wire whisk thick, and reserve in the fridge
  2. In the microwave (15-20 seconds) or on the stove using Bain Marie, melt the chocolate with the 3 tablespoons of cream, remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Combine the sugared cream from the fridge with the melted chocolate, and the cocoa powder. Mix until well combined and color is even.
  4. Put the frosting in a piping bag and decorate the cupcakes.
  5. Decorate with a piece of chocolate.

This recipe is found in:
Recipes by Ingredient: Chocolate Recipes
Recipes by Course or Meal: Baking, Breakfast and Brunch Recipes, Dessert
Recipes by Occasion: Valentine's Day Recipes
Recipes by Cuisine: American Recipes
Recipes by Season: Winter Recipes

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