Citras - Sodium Citrate
A salt sourced from citrus fruits, Sodium Citrate is the perfect ingredient to buffer acidity. Also great for preventing the seperation of cheese; it allows you to make cheese sauces and emulsifications. For the modern gastronomer this ingredient may also be familiar to you if you’ve ever used the spherification process to create edible ords of flavor! A versatile ingredient, you’ll find there’s no end to the possibilities of Sodium Citrate in the hands of a creative cook.
Like Citric Acid, remember that Sodium Citrate has a sour taste. Like Salt it also has a salty taste. Commonly referred to as a “sour salt” because of these characteristics. Sodium Citrate is the ingredient that gives club soda its distinctive taste. A very popular ingredient, you’ll find it in a wide range of commercially produced foods, sometimes for flavor but more often as a preservative. Dissolving easily, it begins to act instantly, making this ingredient quick and simple to use. Available for purchase in 1-pound cans, you can buy them singly or in bulk orders of six. Versatile and easy to use, be sure to keep a can or two arround to create all manner of tasty recipes.
Ingredients: Sodium citrate.
Usually ships within 15 business days.
Product is non-perishable and can ship via Ground service.
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