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Dark Birch Nectar Syrup

from Canada by Deseve
Item description Temp PRICE PER UNIT Price Qty Sku
5.07 oz room temp $3.50 $3.50 3338001
12 x 5.07 oz room temp $2.15 $25.80 3338002

Dark Birch Nectar Syrup

A stunning syrup by Deseve, this Dark Birch Nectar delivers a bold and complex flavor profile with notes of gingerbread, molasses, balsamic and spices like nutmeg and coriander. Made from the sap of Yellow Birch trees in the pristine organic tree farms in the Canadian Appalachian mountains, this nectar is perfect to drizzle over foie gras, duck magret, salads and seafood, or to create incredible glazes for savory dishes. 100% organic and pure, bottled in a gorgeous glass bottle that makes it a unique gourmet gift.
Ingredients: Organic birch nectar syrup.
Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is non-perishable and can ship via Ground service.
Pantry Categories: Maple Syrup
Origin: Canada

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