Osetra Gold Caviar - Malossol, Farm RaisedFrom one of the oldest running farms in Israel comes this wonderful new, 100% Caspian Sea Osetra caviar. All the fish grown in this aquafarm are from authentic Osetra stock from the Caspian Sea. The fish are raised near the source of the Jordan river, in crystal clear, pure snow-melt waters from the nearby Mount Hermon. These fish are spoiled - they literally swim in drinking water! The result is a fine Osetra caviar, with large eggs, robust flavor and outmost purity. Gold is, like it's name indicates, golden in color with hints of brown. Same medium-large size as Amber, creamy with a nutty taste, and hints of sea salt. Osetra Amber caviar sturgeon scientific name: Acipenser GueldenstaedtiiIngredients: Osetra roe, salt.Storage: refrigeratedAvailability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service. Type: Osetra , Sturgeon CaviarPackaging: Individual CaviarsBrand: MarkysColor: GoldenOrigin: Israeli, RussianCaviar Source: Farm Raised