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White Anchovies Marinated in Oil and Vinegar

from Morocco by Markys
Item description Temp PRICE PER UNIT Price Qty Sku
2.2 lbs container chilled $36.32 $36.32
3 x 2.2 lbs container chilled $32.69 $98.07

White Anchovies Marinated in Oil and Vinegar

These mild, white anchovy fillets from Marky’s, are truly delicious! Made with the choicest ingredients available and a traditional Mediterranean technique that has been passed down for centuries, Spanish anchovies or Boquerones as they’re often called, blend a delightful combination of flavors for a wonderfully tasty result. Very different from the intensely salty anchovies we generally see in cans, these fresh-cured fish boast a more subtle flavor that is enhanced by the accompaniment of good olive oil, vinegar, and just a touch of salt.

Packed in salt for only a couple of hours, white anchovies have the benefit of a firmer texture and lower moisture content without the intense flavoring of traditional anchovies that have cured for 12-18 months. Cooked by the acid in vinegar, the same way as a good ceviche, these fish transform from their usual brick-color into a lovely shade of white. After their fresh-curing process, the fish are left to marinade in a balanced combination of oil and vinegar. A mixture of salty and sharp with the round full-bodied flavor of Mediterranean olive oil, these tasty little fish are some of our favorites!

Kept thoroughly chilled since they emerged fresh from the sea, they are kept cool throughout processing and shipping so they arrive in pristine condition with the fresh flavor of the ocean still lingering. Keep refrigerated and be sure to use them within one to two days after opening for the best possible flavor. Delicious served in a variety of ways, we enjoy our Boquerones as a topping for salads or pasta. They are equally enjoyable served alongside Piquillo peppers and crusty bread for an easy tapas or on their own with some water crackers.

Ingredients: Anchovy fillets, olive oil, sunflower oil, vinegar and salt.
Storage: Keep refrigerated. Once opened use within 3 days.
Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service.

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Questions and Answers

Q:where s ths product from
A:The White Anchovies Marinated in Oil and Vinegar are from Morocco.
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