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Wild-Caught Claw Crab Meat

from Philippines by Blue Star
Item description Temp PRICE PER UNIT Price Qty Sku
6 oz pouch chilled $27.00 $27.00
12 x 6 oz pouch chilled $24.30 $291.60

Wild-Caught Claw Crab Meat

Unlike white crab lump meat, which is taken from the center of the crab, claw meat, as the name very well implies, is taken from the front swimming claws of the crab. This meat is super flavorful, darker in color with a grainer and more shredded texture, which is perfect for dips and dishes where the traditional chunks of crab meat are not really necessary.

Prepare incredibly canapes and appetizers or use the crab meat in stuffing or toss on salads and even pasta, for a juicy, sweet and tender flavor that’s just addictive. Chock-full of protein but wonderfully low in fat and calories, crab meat is a super healthy product, loaded with nutrients to boot.

We’re always thrilled when we find a product that’s not only high quality and delicious, but also comes from a company that’s dedicated to improving the quality of the planet, to supporting the people behind the trade, and also focused on sustainability. Blue Star Foods is just that type of company, committed to sustainability and improving the lives of artisan fishermen and small fishing communities in the Philippines through a series of programs. Not only that, their products are fully traceable, so there’s no mystery and quality can be strictly controlled.

Ingredients: Crabmeat (blue swimming crab - Portunus Pelagicus) and Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (to retain color).
Storage: Refrigerated
Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service.

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