Spanish Chocolates and Sweets
Our delicious Spanish chocolates and sweets section includes the best of the sweets and treats found in Spain. Spain is famous for bringing cacao and chocolate to the world during their conquest of America, and Spanish chocolate and sweets are still incredibly delicious.
1 - 28 of 71 products
Dark Chocolate Covered Figs
from Spain
by Indeal
5 tasty bonbons, each made from Mediterranean fig dipped in rich Belgian dark chocolate for an authentic gourmet sweet.
4(1 review)
Turron de Chocolate - Chocolate Almond Nougat
from Spain
by Casa de Alba
This classic Spanish turron consists of a rich chocolatey nougat studded with roasted Marcona almonds for a delicious combination of texture and taste.
2(1 review)
Turron Alicante - Spanish Hard Nougat
from Spain
by Enrique Rech
This Spanish candy combines the richness of fudge with the warm crunch of nougat. Expect it to disappear promptly after opening!
Jijona's Turron
from Spain
by Enrique Rech
There’s a reason the Spaniards gobble this up for Christmas: it’s the creamiest, most addictive nougat treat you’ll ever find.
Quince Paste with Walnuts
from Spain
by Emily Foods
This Spanish jelly-like paste is made from pear-like quince and walnuts; a great cheese board accompaniment!
Fig Log with Almonds
from Spain
by Mitica
This grab-sized log of dried figs with almonds is a great snack, dessert or cheese plate accompaniment
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