French Cookies and Sweets
The art of French patisserie needs no introduction, and nothing says "France" like a delicate macaroon, or a flaky croissant au chocolat. Our French Cookies and Sweets section includes all the delicious treats we source and import from France, with the best of French treats just a click away. For the Francophile gourmet, the connoisseur of all things sweet and delicious, nothing will tickle the sweet tooth more than our French cookies and sweets!
French Product Categories
1 - 28 of 55 products
French Opera Cake - Frozen
from France
by Andros
A spongy cookie sandwich filled with layers of whipped cream, covered with chocolate ganacheand garnished with berries and English mint.
5(5 reviews)
French Chocolate Truffon - Frozen
from France
by Traiteur de Paris
A mini cake of 72% chocolate ganache with a layer of chocolate mousse and a French meringue heart.
5(3 reviews)
Petits Fours - Sweet Cravings
from France
by Patachoux
Delicious and refined mini desserts, in a presentation to delight both eyes and palate.
5(1 review)
Calissons - Classic
from France
by Fruidoraix
Discover this exquisite delicacy from Provence - a fruity, marzipan like candy that's just a treat to enjoy.
5(1 review)
Mini Calissons - Fruit Flavored
from France
by Fruidoraix
A fruiter version of the classic almond candy, these French treats are sweet, delicate and lovely to enjoy.
5(1 review)
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