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Sevre et Belles

A century-old dairy in Poitou-Charentes, Sevre et Belles produces some of France's best and most acclaimed cheeses and butters, using the milk from goats and cows from a dairy cooperative in the region of Deux-Sevrex. Their traditional, AOC label butters like Beurre Grand Cru are manufactured following traditional methods to preserve the real flavor of rustic butter, and their goat's cheese selections like Chevre D'Or and Crottin are must haves for any French cheese board. Shop Gourmet Food Store online for the most complete selection of Sevre et Belles butters and cheeses.
French Product Categories
French Brands
1 - 5 of 5 products
1 - 5 of 5 products
Caprifeuille Saint Maure
Caprifeuille Saint Maure
from France by Sevre & Belle

A wonderful triple cream aged goat cheese with a fabulous creamy texture.

5(8 reviews)
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Le Chevrot
Le Chevrot
from France by Sevre & Belle

A rich and creamy cheese for all palates: not too pungent or goaty. Wine Alert! Pouilly-Fume or Sancerre.

5(5 reviews)
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Crottin Maitre Seguin
Crottin Maitre Seguin
from France by Sevre & Belle

One of our most traditional goat's milk cheeses, it is delicate and sweet with a soft texture.

4.7(7 reviews)
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Chevre D'Or - (Pre Order)
Chevre D'Or Goat Cheese
from France by Sevre et Belle

A rich aged goat's milk cheese, with cheddar-like texture.

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Mothais Sur Feuille Goat Cheese
Mothais Sur Feuille Goat Cheese
from France by Sevre & Belle

A soft goat cheese from Poitou-Charentes.

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1 - 5 of 5 products

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