Wagyu Beef Tenderloin in Foie Gras Mushroom Sauce RecipeIngredients8.8 oz Shitake Mushrooms1 Portobello mushroom cap2 tablespoons salted butter4 6-8 oz pieces of Wagyu Beef TenderloinSea Salt & Pepper½ pint heavy cream5 oz truffled micuit foie gras for sauce4 thin slices of truffled micuit foie gras for plating3 tablespoons grated parmigiana reggiano cheeseDirectionsClean the mushrooms and cut into ¼ inch thick slices.Bring a pan to medium heat and melt the tablespoons of butter.Add the tenderloins to the pan, sear them for 30 seconds in the butter, then flip them and add the mushrooms.Season with salt and pepper, and cover with a lid.Around every 2 minutes, mix the mushrooms with a wooden spoon and cover again.Continue cooking until you are about 4 minutes prior to your desired internal temperature for the tenderloins. Then add the heavy cream.As the heavy cream begins to boil in the pan, slice the 5 oz of foie gras into thin slices and then crumble into the pan. Take a whisk and incorporate them into the cream until smooth.As the sauce begins to boil again, add the 3 tablespoons of grated Parmigiano slowly to the sauce, whisking as you incorporate it, until the sauce thickens.Remove the pan from the heat, and plate first with the tenderloin, then a couple of heaping spoons of the foie gras mushroom sauce. Finally, place a thin slice of foie gras on top of each piece.This recipe is found in:Recipes by Ingredient: Foie Gras Recipes, Wagyu Beef RecipesRecipes by Course or Meal: Main CoursesRecipes by Occasion: Holiday RecipesRecipes by Season: Fall Recipes, Winter Recipes