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Easy Parmesan Baskets with Prosciutto and Melon Recipe
  |   March 20, 2019   |  
A super easy way to create delicious and beautiful Parmigiano "baskets"! These cups are perfect to fill with the filling of your choice - in our case, salty Prosciutto and sweet melon for a traditional Prosciutto e Melone.

Prep Time:
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Total Time:
Yield: 6 Baskets

Easy Parmesan Baskets with Prosciutto and Melon Recipe


  1. Divide the cheese into six portions.
  2. Heat a non-stick pan on medium, and sprinkle a portion of the cheese evenly, forming a circle on the pan. Flatten with a spoon and cook on both sides until golden. Remove carefully with a non-stick spatula and drape it over an upside glass of the size you prefer. It will naturally form the shape of a basket, but you can use a paper towel to shape it further. It will harden as it cools. Remove and continue with the rest.
  3. Once they’re all done, hardened and cooled, fill with slices of prosciutto, and arrange melon cubes and micro greens.

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Recipes by Course or Meal: Appetizers and Side Dishes, Breakfast and Brunch Recipes
Recipes by Occasion: Easter Recipes, Labor Day and 4th of July Recipes
Recipes by Season: Spring and Summer Recipes

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Questions and Answers

Q:How do suggest eat them, by hand or knife and fork
A:You can eat these by hand.
Q:How , Many days in advance can these be made?
A:We do not recommend making these in advance. They need to be made the same day they are being served, ideally not too early in the day.
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