Questions and Answers
Q:Is this product strictly gluten free for someone with celiac disease?
A:Yes, the Taramosalata from Krinos is gluten free.
Q:Does the Taramosalata have to be shipping cold or just put in the refrigerator once it is opened?
A:The Taramosalata is perishable and it requires Overnight delivery. It needs to be kept refrigerated before and after opening.
Q:What happens If taramosalata spread is not consumed in 3-4 days but kept refrigerated?
Tried it and it still tastes good. Just wondering if there are bad effects then?
A:After opening, the Taramosalata needs to be kept refrigerated and used as soon as possible. Otherwise the product might go bad.
Q:When you ship the taramosalata by overnight mail, do you ship it in a cooler, or with an ice pack?
A:Yes, all our chilled or frozen items will be shipped overnight with ice or ice packs to keep them fresh all the way to your door.
Q:Once he jar is opened and refrigerated, for how long can it be kept safely?
A:Once opened the product needs to be consumed as soon as possible, in about 3-4 days.