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Can You Freeze Cheese?

Albertina Roca
  |   May 3, 2016   |  

Cheese purists will tell you – very vehemently – no. And they would be right. Why? Because freezing will pretty much ruin the structure of the cheese. It’s not actually the freezing that deteriorates the cheese, but rather the defrosting, which causes the molecular structure of the cheese to break down. So instead of a soft, gooey double creme cheese, or a firm, pliable Swiss, you get a crumbly, hard, dry lump that you paid very good money for.

Now, this is not a written-in-stone rule. There’s a caveat (as there usually is). Is freezing cheese safe? Yes. Is it edible? Yes. Is it good? Not so much. You should freeze cheese if you’re planning to cook with it, like in casseroles or quiches, but you definitely shouldn’t if you’re planning on using it for a cheese board or platter at your next party.

Some cheeses freeze better than others. Firmer (but not hard) cheeses like cheddar or Provolone tend to maintain their structure better. Soft, gooey cheeses like Brie or triple creams most definitely don’t freeze well. Cheeses with holes tend to get freezer burn. So, the question again is not if you can freeze cheese, but rather if you should. And the answer is no. The result is a disaster.

However, if you find a can’t-pass-up deal on bulk, processed cheese, by all means grab it and freeze it - but even then, know that you'll have to cook with it or melt it. But don't freeze the good fromage!  Leave that gooey, delicious Crottin or Saint Andre in the fridge – if you have extras, make you favorite quiche, grilled cheese or just gather your friends for a cheese party.

Hopefully this has helped answer your question of, can you freeze cheese?

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Well, I guess I'll have to eat it all now then :)
Samantha from
Very helpful! Answered my question.
Alecia from
Thanks for this useful information!
Gabriel from


Albertina Roca

Copywriter & Certified Cheese Addict

Meet Albertina, a seasoned food writing wordsmith and marketing creative split between the sizzling vibes of Miami and the charming streets of Buenos Aires. With a solid 20 years in the traditional and digital advertising world for the gourmet food industry, she’s mastered the art of making words as mouthwatering as the dishes they describe. She’s proudly been part of the Gourmet Food Store family (and its brands) since its very beginnings, and what a fun, flavor-packed journey it has been!


Albertina's journey in copywriting is marked by a passion for creativity and a knack for connecting with audiences. Her expertise spans SEO-driven content that boosts visibility, engaging social media strategies that spark conversations, persuasive advertising campaigns that captivate, and heartfelt storytelling that resonates deeply.


With a diverse portfolio spanning numerous articles, blogs, and captivating content pieces, Albertina has left her mark on the industry. From informative guides to persuasive sales copy, her work not only informs but also inspires action.

Education and Background

Her journey began at Rutgers College, where she studied in History and Political Science, with a minor in English Lit. She honed her craft at The Miami Ad School in South Beach, where creativity and copy collided under the South Florida Sun. From the neon streets of South Beach to the tango beats of Buenos Aires, her pen dances with the rhythm of whatever gastronomic tales she gets to write at the time.

Currently savoring life in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she’s bilingual in English and Spanish, an avid reader, and cheese addict.

Her writing? Seasoned with creativity, spiced with experience, and garnished with a dash of wit.

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